Tuesday, November 3, 2015

22 months.

Jackie boy,

I think in your 19 month post I talked about your obsession with the alphabet. Turns out that was just a dramatic tease by mom. But this time I mean it. OBSESSED. You want the song sung over and over. You know all the letters now and can point to each of them when asked. You can say about half of them: X, T, O, P, S, A, E, H, L, M, D, I, F. You point out all the letters you see anywhere we go. Your favorite is the EXIT signs you see in stores. "X, X, X, T, T, T." You also point to the tiles on the floor and see that they make an X pattern, so you say "X, X, X." (X is still your favorite letter.) When you want to do your letters you say "O, P" because that's the part of the ABC song you remember and can sing along to. You soak it all up like a sponge, my boy.

Your other obsessions are basketball and football. You will point to the tv and cry "boopball" (football) over and over again until we put on a game of football. It got so bad that we actually had to record a football game, because you didn't understand that football doesn't air 24 hours a day. Just picture it: me and you, home alone at noon watching espn. If I put on a disney movie, sometimes you will point to the screen and say "No nemo. Boopball." You love to throw and catch the football, too, and you catch it every single time. You still love to play basketball. Dad takes you to the park to play on the big hoop, and in between you play with your indoor one. You still call it "ta, ta, ta" which is hard to type out, but it's the sound of the ball going through the hoop.

You joined a play group a few months ago with some of the neighborhood boys. There are four of you total, and we take turns having it at each of the mom's houses. It's probably your favorite time of the week. You love running around with them, screaming, dancing, playing. You're such a social kid and you love having friends. When you see them at church or around the neighborhood, you guys all get excited to see each other and they all yell "Jack!" Your social circle is expanding beyond mom and dad, and it's strange but super cute.

You have been the biggest mama's boy lately. You love to grab both of your favorite blankets, pile them in a ball, and run over to mom for hugs. Sometimes you will just demand that it's me that helps you open up a snack or put together a toy that has fallen apart, even if Dad is right there willing to help. You say "No. Mama." It's hard sometimes when mom needs a break, but mostly I'm so glad you are going through this little stage. When I'm leaving (even the room), sometimes your mouth goes down and you start saying in the sweetest, saddest little voice "mama." You like to help me cook and put laundry into the dryer, and you even sit next to me when I'm sewing. My little buddy.

You love chalk. Currently our entire back porch is covered in chalk drawings (mostly of "boopballs" and letters). You have an upright chalkboard in your new play room that you also spend a lot of time at. You also love cars and dinosaurs. You like to tuck in all of your action figures in for naps. You fold up your blanket and stick them underneath, all the while saying "nap, nap, nap."

You've been out of the highchair for a few months and sit at a regular table and chair. You eat all the things, but especially like things that you can dip in "dippa" (ketchup/ranch/BBQ).

You talk all the time now and are saying new words constantly. Just yesterday you said "stars" perfectly (according to Dad...I wasn't there).

You have such a happy personality. You are always laughing and wanting to run around and play. Your face is always projecting happiness, and those eyes crinkle up and your chins double in volume when you laugh. It's the best. I keep thinking about what a great big brother you will be. We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Jack is so cool and such a sweet boy. He definitely has a good life!
