Tuesday, November 25, 2014

11 months.

**another old draft being posted. The struggle. 11 months (pre-Thanksgiving).


I feel like I was sad about you growing up, but it's hard to be sad when you are getting more fun by the day. I get excited about what you are learning each day. You are always looking to make us laugh. When we laugh at something you do, you'll repeat it and give us a quick glance to make sure the joke is still fresh.

Mickey has really became a buddy to you this month. It seems like you are always crawling over to where he is to cuddle up with him or pull at his face (poor Mickey, but he secretly loves the attention). You, unfortunately, love Mickey's bone and rope (his only two toys) more than you like your own toys so you are always trying to barter with him. Sometimes you will hold out one of your toys and try and take his away.

You are climbing up on things, trying to get your footing on anything you can. If I have something you want you will try to climb up me, like literally up my body. Especially when I am sitting on the floor with food. You will climb up on my legs and try and grab the said food from my hands or, yes, even from inside my mouth.

When we are holding you, you like to point to different things around the room. Ba. Point. Ba. Point. It sort of sounds like your own rendition of "Ba Ba Black Sheep." It's the best. If you want to go in a certain direction, you will keep your hand outstretched like the christus statue, directing us. You are very opinionated on what you want to do or where you want to go next.You are stubbbborn.

You love doors. Open close open close open close! It never gets old (for you). You also love drawers. You take everything out of the drawer, and then you will be sure to put everything back into it. I used to not let you because I knew you'd close the drawer on your fingers, but you don't seem bothered by it when it happens. So I kind of just let you. You hardly ever get upset when you get hurt. You will look at me with a scrunched up face sometimes, but mostly you just move on.

You are still super into food, especially now that it isn't mashed. You will eat anything I put in front of you still. You do this funny thing where you do a chomping thing with your teeth right before I put the spoon in your mouth. What a cheese. You are still nursing.

You are starting to do stuff you aren't supposed to do, like touching Dad's Playstation. The fun begins! So I started saying "no no" and shaking my finger back and forth at you so you know that it is not something you should keep doing. Now if you are up to no good I will just say "Jack...." and you turn around and shake your finger back at me. You know when you are doing something wrong and wiggle that finger. I try not to laugh because I don't want it to be a joke. I fail.

You have this walker that cousin Nicholas let you borrow. It's Cars themed and you push it around EVERYWHERE. I mean, it's attached to your hands. It's fun to see you up and walking around. You will strut around, lift your head high and give a cheesy smile when you push it around. You know how to maneuver it around corners. When you've hit a wall, you will walk over to the back of it and push it from that side.

I love that we get all day to spend together and that I can teach you about the world. You get super serious and put your forehead against mine when I talk with you about something. You love kisses and being sweet when we are in your room and it's quiet. You love to be read to and will hand us books all day. You're just this little amazing person who loves to point out interesting things and who loves to be chased and play peek a boo.


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