Tuesday, September 22, 2015

it's a boy.

I gave away the plot twist in the title. We are adding another boy to the family.

We were eagerly anticipating the 20 week ultrasound that had to be put off because the doctor wanted to wait until I was 21 weeks. I scheduled it on the day of Matt's birthday, mostly by coincidence, but then we oohed and awed about the cuteness of finding out the gender on his birthday. Matt was working but planned to meet us at the doctor's office. Jack and I went to the store and bought a blue sucker and a pink sucker. I figured Jack could celebrate and eat the specific color sucker when we found out. Not that he took it out of his mouth long enough to see the color, but it was just a silly way of me trying to pass the morning while waiting.

I almost didn't buy the blue sucker. I was 99% sure about the fact I was having a girl, so why waste that extra 50 cents on the blue? But I decided that I probably should, in case the unthinkable happened.

Matty's mom also met us there, and we got to see a very detailed ultrasound. I loved the ultrasound technician. We saw all the little baby parts, including the brain and the bladder. Each time she said "It looks great," I sent up a prayer of thanks. There are so many things that can go wrong in a human. It's such a miracle that everything is forming just perfectly.

When she was ready to reveal the gender, she found the perfect angle so that we all knew before she said a word. She confirmed it with "It's a boy" and Matt lit up like a Christmas tree. He was elated. It was such a shock, that I had trouble believing it. I wasn't smiling, I know that, but it was just because I was confused. "Wait, but it's a girl." So much for mother's intuition. Ha! Matt thought I was sad about the news, but I truly wasn't. I can't wait for jack to have a brother to play with and for us to see what other kind of boy look we can create. I love the mother-son relationship Jack and I have and want another one.

The blue sucker was eaten, and we all celebrated.


  1. Congratulations! I was 100% positive I was having a boy when Scarlet was growing in me. It took me literally three days to stop crying over the son that didn't exist and wrap my head around this new child. But I couldn't be more grateful for her, and I think I know how you might have felt when the big reveal became a total surprise. What happy news for your little family!

    1. I love that you have your boy now. He's a keeper! I always thought I'd have a lot of kids, but now I'm thinking I'm gonna keep it small, so naturally my chances for a girl keep getting smaller ha! It's okay. Boys are pretty cool.

  2. Oh congratulations!!!!!!!!!! This is so exciting!!! I love that you love being pregnant. When are you due? Also, we need to get together!

    1. Yes we do!! Soon! I'm due February 3rd, so another winter baby :)
