Thursday, August 27, 2015

19 months.


You are a teenager stuck in a little kid body. My reasoning is threefold. 1) You love to stay up late and sleep in. I'm talking 11pm to 11am (extreme), but your usual is about 10pm to 10am. 2) You think the world revolves around you. (You are sort of right about this, at least in our house) 3) The drama! The emotional roller coaster that is your life is fun to behold.

You have started to love to color. Though, you aren't confident with the basics. Yesterday when I gave you string cheese and crayons, you colored with the string cheese and you ate the crayons. You had little pieces of red in your front teeth before I noticed. #momfail

You have an independent spirit. You want to do most things for yourself, whether or not you can. You try to put on your own shoes, take off your own diaper, eat by yourself (utensils are optional in your opinion), drink out of a cup and waterbottle (caution: spillage).

You love the ABC song. So much. There was one evening where I sang it 18 times. I counted. And every time I finished, you would cry for me to do it again. Though I don't like to indulge the tears, I couldn't not do it. You just lit up when I started singing again. You know a handful of letters, and you say them every time you see them in the wild. X is probably your favorite. When you see any version of it you say "Exchssss" (it's difficult to write out your exact pronunciation). You also know P, T, O, S, and Z. And I'm not sure that 1 year olds are supposed to have favorite numbers, but you definitely do. Everything is "two." When you count things, it is always "two, two, three, two, two." The way you say two makes me want to cry because it's in this little sweet voice.

You love to tell Mickey "no-no" whenever he tries to take one of your balls or if he is in the way. You also like to tell people to "Stop it!" I don't know why most of your words are clouded in negativity. #momfailagain

You love to clean up, put things in bins or bags. Put caps on water bottles and jars. Push the button to open the the garage. Help put wet clothes into the dryer and close doors. You also like to open doors. If I forget to lock the door to the backyard, you easily twist the handle and run outside. You are my little escapee. You still love to be outside. Dad lets you help him water all the plants in the front and back. You handle the hose and spray it all on your own. You get distracted and start spraying things that really don't need it, but you have a patient dad. You also go out and mow the lawn with him every week. You stride right next to him with your plastic mower.

It's all about the bat these days. You have a few baseball bats that you love to swing around. You also have a baseball tee. You will run and set a ball on top of it and then swing your bat to hit the ball. It goes impressively far. Once the ball is hit, you drop your bat and start running (like you are running the bases). After a little run, you slide into home plate (you fall on purpose). All the baseball you watch with dad is sure soaking in.

We have a new routine in the afternoons. Around 4:15, we go outside and sit on a blanket in the grass and wait for dad to get home. When he pulls in the driveway, you get in the front seat and sit in the car with dad and listen to the music. It's your favorite thing. When it's time to pull you away from the car, it's a sad time and there's a lot of tears.

You switched to a front facing car seat this month, and I was super emotional about it. It was a happy thing for everyone, but it's proof that you are growing up quick and aren't really my baby boy any more. You are so much fun and just a happy kid who loves to play hard and learn.
Stay brave and sweet!

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