Sunday, January 3, 2016

a post in the new year.

This is where I pretend I'm going to write more in my blog in 2016. It probably won't happen. I'll probably average about the same amount and miss most of the major holidays and events that happen throughout the year. But so it goes.

I was very excited about the new year, because I love that fresh-start feeling. It frees me from the guilt I feel over not doing stuff (this guilt plagues me again around January 7th).

Some of my goals:
1. Savings $$ goal.
2. FHE every Monday night.
3. Dinners at the table 4 nights a week (we might skip February for this one :)).
4, 90-day Book of Mormon challenge.
5. Read 75 books in 2016.
6. Have a baby.

After a sick-filled and kind of hectic and hard December, we were blessed the last week to have a lot of fun. Everyone was happy and healthy, and Matt worked from home most of the days. We love having Dad home. Jack turned into a little chatter box. It's like he decided 2016 was the year for conversations. His vocabulary has already doubled, it seems, just in the last week or so. Unfortunately, so has his ability to stay up late into the night (a talent he has always excelled at). On New Year's Eve, we had the pleasure of hearing his chatter until 1:30 am. The next day he stayed up until 12:30 am, so it was then when I decided we needed to skip naps. It's a decision I didn't make lightly because not having that quiet time in the middle of the day for myself when he naps has already been hard, but I just couldn't do these eccentrically late bed times any more. We've had two days of nap skipping, and we now have a boy that goes to bed by 9:30. Celebration. I think his schedule will always be a work in progress. Jack also starts gymnastics tomorrow, which already makes me laugh. He got a trampoline for Christmas and loves to do his tricks.  

We start the countdown for baby boy 2 at exactly one month from today. It's getting real. It's hard to explain how someone can feel so ready and so completely not ready at the exact same time. That's an accurate statement, though. He's very active, which keeps me awake at night and limits me to very few sitting positions during the day. Having a toddler to chase around, hold down, rock, lift, carry adds a whole other dimension to pregnancy. The bigger I get, the harder it is to handle both boys. But we are loving it.

This month we will be doing a lot of prep, organization, and cleaning as well as enjoying our little family of 3.

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