Saturday, January 30, 2016

2 years.

You are two years old! I'm not sure how else to describe this age except that you are constantly running around screaming about your happiness or your woes or your spilled cup or whatever else. Always screaming.

You are a lot of fun. You learn a new word every day it seems, copying what we have to say and creating phrases all on your own. It's gotten to the point where I've lost track because you seem to say it all. Your most common phrase these days is "mumatime" (one more time) as you hold one finger next to your face. You want a song sung "mumatime" or a book read "mumatime." Your other favorites are "cow," "neck" (finishing out that -ck sound as if you are choking), "tool" (stool), "puffs" (pirate's booty), "Jake" (fruit snacks), "munt" (mint), "moon," and "peese dada" (please, dad--You know who the softy is around here).

Your interests are very much on par with the typical 2-year-old boy: dinosaurs, trains, trucks, blocks, the iPad. You love to grab our hands and lead us places, usually to your playroom to play "choo-choos" (trains) or to the fridge for a snack.

Your favorite thing of all time, which I totally don't understand but that I love so much, is lying down in Mom and Dad's bed. You get very insistent and say "nap, nap, nap" until you get settled in on a pillow with the blankets covering you. Mom needs to be on your right side and Dad needs to be on your left. Then you just start chatting about all the different things going on in your brain. We ask you questions and you nonsensically respond. We put on little brother's projector and you point to all the animals on the ceiling and say bye-bye to them when they pass.

You love finding "owies" on yourself and then get a really concerned look on your face.
You love to brush your teeth at least three or four times a day. You demand your stool, bring it into the bathroom, stand on it, open the drawer, and start brushing away with water and toothpaste. You say "All done" and put everything away. Then you grab out your brush and start brushing at your hair. It's all very hygienic and cute. I approve.

You're doing this thing lately where you fake fall. I laugh every time. You go "whoa, whoa, whoa" while throwing your arms up and teetering on your feet and then you fall over. While you say "whoa" you have this half smile on your face because you know it's a funny joke.

You hate the following: car rides, jackets, pop-up ads on the iPad, your changing table, when someone finishes a song and they don't start singing it again immediately, when we have to put away your bubble machine.

Favorite food: pancakes
Favorite sport: basketball
Favorite tv show: Trotro
Favorite movie: Toy Story 3 or "Kick kua" (Sanjay's super team)

You have started to love to sing. You cling to every word when we sing you songs and try to sing along. You are getting pretty good and usually start in by singing the last word of every phrase. Your favorites are "Let it Go" (you can't seem to let it go), "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" (tinkle, tinkle star), and "Itsy Bitsy Spider."

When I think about you and all the quirky little bits of your personality, it makes me incredibly happy. Love you to the moon and back, kid.

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