Wednesday, February 24, 2016

cal nash // 2 weeks

To my baby Cal,

The last two weeks have flown by. We had your two-week check up and you gained about 6 ounces on top of your birth weight. From the first day I held you in the hospital I have referred to you as "squirrely" because of how long and squirmy you are. All of your features are really petite except for your long fingers and feet (your mom is a poet). Just like when you were in my stomach, you still love to kick and punch your feet and hands every chance you get.

You are so expressive. My favorite look is the dreamy eyes you get when you are super content. But you also make this I'm-scared-of-the-world face that makes me laugh every time. But no matter the face, your eyes are always the size of saucers.

You love to sleep, but you have a hard time getting yourself to sleep. You fight it and fight it and if mom or dad give up on bouncing/rocking you, we hear about it. Right before you cry, you do quick and heavy breathing through your nose which your big brother copies and makes fun of you for. If we hear it start, we know a loud cry is about to follow. Your favorite way to sleep is on mom's chest after a good feeding.

You love your changing table and getting your diaper changed. You could be in a right fit, and the minute we start changing your diaper, you get quiet and happy. It could be that you love to be clean or that you love the little breeze, I'm not sure.

Every morning Jack wakes up and we go get him from his crib together. I put you in there with him and you guys both hang out for a bit. Jack always lies down next to you as close as he can and we sing some songs while you stare. You are super lucky to have a big brother who loves you so much. I hope you guys always stay close.

We are glad you are here and hope you stay a while :)
Love you always,

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