Sunday, May 17, 2015

16 months.

My little kiddo, 

You are currently trying to fall asleep in your crib. I heard this banging sound and look at the video monitor to find that you are throwing your pacifier like a ball against the side of your crib. It bounces off, you catch it, repeat. All you want to do these days is throw balls against walls or into the basketball hoop dad got for you. You throw the ball in the hoop with such intensity. You do this little knee bend, grasping the ball with both hands, and then you strike and slam it in. You love getting cheered on.

You started walking regularly at about 13 months. It's hard to believe there was ever a time you weren't. You get up easily and take off, swaying your hips and yelling nonsense as you go. 

You are a string of babbles. It's been so fun to teach you new words. You are copying everything we say. Some of your favorites are hippo, ball, bubble, jelly bean (ge-ge), banana (nana), apple (bapple), moon (moaaaaa), cheese (dees), more, no, snow (know), paci (bebe), and dat dat (Big Hero 6 movie). You still love to make all your animal noises and sniff flowers. When I say sky you point up so high that your shirt goes up and shows your belly button.

You point out all your body parts--you do the regulars like eyes, ears, toes, belly button, but you can also point to things like diaper, hair, and cheeks (you poke both your chubby cheeks with your pointer fingers, and it's the bessssst). Four more teeth came in late March and early April, all your molars, bringing your total to 12. You love to pretend to brush your teeth when you see a picture of a toothbrush in a book, but when it comes to the actual brushing of teeth, you hate life and she who holds the brush. 

You are super independent, or at least you would like to be. I can't help you with things or you push me away. You get frustrated and throw the thing that is frustrating you. You have so many emotions! 12-15 months was my favorite of your whole life. You were super sweet, loving, and fun. Now you are still those things, but month 16 sure exploded your drama meter. One second you are laughing, and the next you are pouting and crying. You do this thing when you are sad where you put the tips of your fingers and pinch the cheek just below your eye as you put your head down and trot over to mom or dad. You also put your head down and then roll your eyes up at me when I'm saying something you don't like or when you just feel like it. Reason and logic aren't super prevalent these days.

I can't finish this 16 month update without talking about Frozen. Is there a word stronger than love? If so, that is how you feel about Frozen. You want to watch it 6 times a day. If you find the Blu-ray case you say "snow" over and over until I put it on. You think opening up the door to the TV stand and putting the case on top of the playstation is the way to put on a movie, so you do that next. My thoughts are consumed with strategies on how to wean you off of Frozen.

Sleeping. You are still bad at it. I'm guessing this won't change so maybe I'll redact it from my next update. You just always want to be awake and with people or slam dunking.

When I asked dad to describe you he said: curious, active, frustrated, and sweet. I couldn't agree more. You are always running from room to room and are always ready to play. You love other kids and play so nicely with them. You like to go into your room to get your blanky, then run into mom's arms for a good cozy cuddle.

Stay curious and adventurous and sweet. These are some of the qualities that make me so proud of the little individual you are. You have been getting mad at me lately for doing things like making you take naps and wiping stuff off your face and dealing with your tantrums in an impatient manner. I'm sure I will continue to do things that infuriate you, but I'm your mom so love me anyway.



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